What to do if you have no electricity
The first thing you should do in the event of a power cut is check your trip switch, wiring and appliances. If it seems that there is no fault here then you should call your suppliers emergency number.
If your supplier says that there is no fault reported on the line then you should call an emergency electrician.
Calling an emergency electrician can be scary, you might expect it to cost the earth but London Electricians have the best rates in London. Our technicians will give you an on the spot quotation before beginning work, so you don’t have to worry about the bill coming in.
There are many electricians available but we recommend that you use a local one so that they can get to your location as fast as they can to reduce the amount of time that you spend without any power as well as local electricians tend to be generally cheaper. It is advisable that you keep a few numbers close by incase that you need to call.